Thursday, 11 February 2016

Deadpool review: Like Ryan Reynolds, this movie is a gift from God

Director: Tim Miller
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, Gina Carano, TJ Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, Stefan Kapičić
Rating: 3.5/5

                                    So you’re here to read a Deadpool movie review, yes? Well, you must be here to read a Deadpool movie review because unless you’ve lost your way and found yourself falling down one of those online rabbit holes, why else would you end up at this forgotten (and smelly) netherworld of the Internet called, am I right? Ok, now before some purposely starved hounds bite me to death mid-sentence let me be very, very clear that I was just joking. I got carried away, all right? I blame this movie and all those poor fourth walls it broke so gleefully. It may have rubbed off a teensy-weensy bit. But that’s the kind of movie Deadpool is. And that’s the kind of review this is going to be.
So now that we’ve established that you, dear reader, are not here by mistake let’s get this review going. Oh, and by the way, I’m still not entirely convinced that you came here on purpose, but if you did, then you deserve first class treatment and a mediocre movie review at the very least so that’s what you’re going to get dammit. Kindly ignore those annoying pop ups trying to get you to insure the lives of you and your family. Pay no attention to them, they’ll go away.
So now that we’ve entered the third paragraph, you’ll probably be wondering, “Hey, what is this Deadpool movie all about?” Well isn’t this your lucky day, you sir/ma’am with the great taste, because that’s exactly what you’re going to find out.

Source Link : hindustantimes


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